Monday, June 23

Pizza - a different way

I stumbled on an idea for pizza which Ryan and I tried the other night.

It was good! To arrive at this final product, I did the following:

1. Made dough and let it rise all day, used 1/4 of it and divided the rest and froze
2. Heated oven with pizza stone inside to 450.
3. Prepared dough and slid onto stone to bake for about 3 minutes before adding toppings. It ended up in an oval shape instead of a circle.
4. Added toppings (olive oil, garlic, salt, a mixture of cheeses, diced tomatoes)
5. Baked for about 6 minutes or so
6. Cracked three eggs over pizza and baked for a few minutes more and topped with french sea salt
7. Cut and ate!


Heather L. said...

you'll have to try some black rasberries. They look like small rasberries colored purple and they taste denser than a rasberry -- very, very good. You could drive down to Turtle Creek and check the railroad tracks -- they were there 7 years ago. :)

Anonymous said...

This is a very interesting pizza topping combination, not sure if I'm brave enough to try it, but since you are a good cook it probably was good!