Monday, December 4

Lime-Glazed Coconut Snowballs

I had a good turnout of a new cookie recipe from Cook's Illustrated (a very trusted source). Their Lime-Glazed Coconut Snowballs were easy to make and went according to the directions. They are essentially like a shortbread cookie with lime. My neighbor and friend, Amy, helped me roll the cookies, and we had a good time talking while we baked.

I am currently enjoying the Christmas album by Sarah MacLachlan, which Shannon reviewed and Catherine posted about (which is how I learned of the album and immediately downloaded it from I'm easy to sway, I guess. Don't forget about the quiz below! There is a lower turnout this time. Tsk tsk, perhaps I waited too long to post a new quiz.


Anonymous said...

Cookies look yummy, i will need to try that recipe.

lynardlynard said...

Those cookies look yum (and I'm not wild about coconut), but limes and shortbread, ooh-lah-lah. Drew had that Sarah MacLachlan album on this morning in the van. He has always been a fan of her work although he picks through her offerings judiciously. This album is exceptionally good.

|||||| lynard

Anonymous said...

YUMMMMMM - those cookies look AMAZING! :) And excellent choice of music ;) I love you!!