Monday, July 9


I think I am done watching Lost for now. I have been having very vivid, frequent dreams related to Lost! They haven't all been bad dreams or good dreams...just dreams for the most part. I don't usually dream like that (or at least, I don't recall the dreams like that) and I think I OD'd on the show since I had it through Netflix. Just stepping back for now.


Catherine said...

I can see how it would be easy to overdose on Lost, but don't give up forever! At least you have until January to detox before the new season starts!

Alicia said...

True, true! I do plan to watch it next season.

Frankita said...

good don't want to get burned out on it too quickly! ps-i love the squirrel pics!

Rebecca said...

I need to catch up on the this last season, as I quit watching it when they decided to take that three month break!! Plus it was getting boring and they changed the time to 10pm...too late for me! :) hahaha

Jodi said...

I hope it hasn't jumped the shark. I was really dissapointed with it until the last 2 epsiodes.