- I continued to be saddened by our twisted world. It truly is anti-Christ, which is what God has said it is and will be. Muslim taxi drivers in Minneapolis are allowed to refuse people who have alcohol with them because of their "religious beliefs", but Washington pharmacists are not allowed to refuse to dispense the morning after abortion pill. There are many more things like that going on, some of them worse, and we don't hear about it much. I am comforted knowing that though the rulers of the earth set themselves against the Lord, "...the Lord will scorn them all. He will laugh who sits on high. Then His wrath will on them fall; sore displeased He will reply" (Ps. 2). Christ is King of all the nations and all that is contained in those nations, and there will be no end to the increase of His government and peace . Christ is build His church in the face of Islam and all else.
- I finished reading Infidel as previously recommended by Shannon and Catherine, and through it confirmed what I believed to be true - it's an illusion that Islam is about peace and tolerance. I think most of us know that, but my understanding of the different "kinds" of Muslims was further confirmed expanded - those who seem "moderate" aren't true Muslims. True, "good" Muslims are those who commit honor killings, excise their young daughters and beat their wives, according to the Quaran. They are NOT interested in talking things out in a diplomatic way.
- Ryan showed me the website of a photographer he knows who is a former customer from his Starbucks days. She does great work and has an enjoyable website of galleries.
- I'm wearing red shoes today
- Ryan and I are in the home stretch. In a little less than three weeks, our summer-long separation will end when, if God wills, I'll go to Kansas to meet his family and see him [:-) x 100]. Shortly after that, we anticipate traveling to Oregon to spend a few days with my family before the seminary year starts.
- I like taking pictures of babies
Aww Baby Titus! Too precious. I'm going to miss you lots. Come to Indy soon, or maybe I should just stay.. :)
Heat sounds good, I'll have to add that to my list.
I'm with Shannon, you should come to Indy soon.
And bring Ryan so we can meet him.
And then you can take pictures of our babies too. Indy babies are very cute. :)
Oh, and I really like red shoes. Although I'm often nervous about them, like maybe they are a little Wizard-of-Oz-ish, but if you can pull them off, they are great. What do yours look like? Picture?
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