Thursday, March 1

Nothings and Somethings Bullet Style

  • My family arrived safely in Oregon last Friday and received the keys to the their new house on Wednesday. Their belongings should arrive in the next week or so, and in the meantime, they'll paint and make some minor changes to the house.
  • I went to McConnell's Mill last week and enjoyed a beautiful hike with a good friend. Pics here. It was my first time hiking there in the winter after a dozen times in other seasons, and it was a delight to see all the snow.
  • I haven't cooked anything new for a while! Nothing to share there.
  • My old college roommate, Rebecca, is visiting tomorrow! You may have noticed some funny dialog in the comments from her on here about how incredibly excited we are so see each other (and you can find ones from me on her blog). We last saw each other in July 2005 at Danila's wedding, and even then, it was a busy time. So we are going to talkandtalkandgiggleandtalkandeatandlaughandtalk for hours and we'll love it!
  • My cup runs over.


Rebecca said...

Ooo, girl, it was July 2004, not 2005. So THREE years ago this July! But now we broke the horrible trend!! :)
I love thee so much! ;)

Anna said...

Hey Alicia...

I am a friend of Rebeccas...amd I am here from her blog! I am glad that you two had fun reconnecting.

Nice blog here...I will be back! :)