Tuesday, February 21

Live to the Hilt

I flipped through Passion and Purity last night to find a couple bits to read to my MET girls, and came upon something Jim Elliot wrote to Elisabeth:

Wherever you are, be all there. Live to the hilt every situation you believe to be the will of God."

That statement struck me
as I began to ponder it. Do I do this? What impact are my hopes or expecations for future things having on situations right now that God has placed in my life? I believe that all the days fashioned for me were written before there was yet one of them (Ps 139:16) and that I can't be outside of God's will. So I believe every situation in my life is the will of God, and I am challenged to consider whether I live those "to the hilt".

My handy online dictionary says:
to the hilt : to the very limit : COMPLETELY

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