Cook's Illustrated is in need of recipe testers for their magazine. I was [spontaneously] compelled to join with An Elite Force in the food industry by enlisting myself as a "Friends of Cook's" to test recipes before they are published. This calls for Duty, Honor, Fortitude! I emailed them and got an automated response,
"Thank you for signing up as a Friend of Cook's Illustrated. We will be contacting when we need your help. Please note that we only test our recipes every two months, so you might not hear from us immediately."
I think they mean it, right? Of course! I'm sure they will come through and solicit my Free Services of Cooking. Free, because their "'Friends' are not paid--they buy their own ingredients and cook the food on their own time--but they get to sample our recipes before they're published in the magazine and they help us make sure our recipes really do work."
How cool! Let us know how it goes!
I volunteer to be one of your guests! Auntie Chris
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